Sunday, November 15, 2009

then comes the baking...

still feeling dumbfounded after exams finished, shocked, and can't stop smiling...
after all the 'hard work' i did during the fourteen days of misery, it's time to celebrate! ^^

this time... banana & honey buns, there was leftover bananas in the pantry, and no one was eating 'em

then there is the pooh birthday cake for my homestay's son first bday! but i'll save that for next time..

.........need a rest from baking all night........

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

1 down five more to go!!

yup... I've done it!!! it's one out of six finished, though I'm happy as hell!! Today's (wed) english exam wasn't that bad, or at least I would make myself feel better by saying "I've done my best" and don't give a damn if its a C or an A+(which is completely impossible) ~.~

Ohh... it's that time of the year again... when you realised you've studied so many things but couldn't remember a thing. Just now, I opened my big-fat-red music folder, and just realized I have no idea what is in toorrow's exam. Too busy NOT caring, I'm so stuffed for tomorrow's music exam. Believe me, as easy as music exam may sounds like... it is in fact hard as hell. In my theory, to be successfully pass music exams, first you need to be super musically talented(which I'm not), u need at least have a perfect pitch (which I don't), and u need to be caring?(as in do what ever your teacher tells u to do)....
of course this might just be me having negative preceptions, just because I have NO IDEA what's in the exam. Don't get me wrong though, studying music is pretty fun. It's like the one subject you don't have to count or remember formulas. It will come together if u just to some practice.(which I haven't done for awhile)T.T

Now I'm sitting in my bed with countless papers my teacher gave us and trying to remember why she nagged us the other day, and now I think I know why...

friends, take my advice, take note whatever your teacher says if its regarding exams... or else you end up like me....

i need to stop myself from writing this blog during this week. I need to actually find something interesting to write about, instead of spreading my laziness on the net. Lol... ^^
be back to write some more next week!

funny thing found on facebook 2day: Studying = Students and dying.... heheee.... ^^
hav a nice day every1!!!

PS: this new blog skin is driving me crazy! i spent like 2 hr yesterday just 2 figure out how to put comment box... and i still can't do it... might change it to another1

Monday, November 2, 2009

my pre-exam rantings...

Hi there!
I'm still swamped with exam prearations and I am going beserk. End of year exams will begin this wednesday, and my school decide to give us a holiday, today(monday) and tomorrow for us to be extra prepared. I mean how more prepared can you be? Giving two days extra to slave yourself reading scribbly notes does not mean you are well prepared. Well at least not for me. This it the part I hate the most
the waiting...

waiting to do the exams, waiting for it to finish. I found myself looking at the calendar more often than I used to. I wish I could just skip all this part like ripping the band-aid, minus the stingy-pain-and-bald-skin.

ahh... the life of a student... goes on...
thanks for listening to my rantings... i really need to get 'up close and personal' to Othello and his wife as I will be writting a-suposedly complex and filled with quotes-five page essay on their life.... huh...

anyways for fellow students who are absolutely need for some entertaiment or people who just need a laugh, check this out

I accidentally stumbled across this blog, when I AM NOT studying for my exams...
pretty funny, yet bit racist... lol...
just need a good laugh

have a nice monday everyone!!

de Journie ^^

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Greek Festival in Melbourne, part of long lost photos

location: melb city, Greek Festival
waktu: siang hari, nga inget tanggalnya

"Catch of the DAY"

jagung nyasar.... banyak makananyaaa...

nga sengaja duduk di depan "Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital"
bangunanya dah tua, nga dipake lagi kayaknya

peaceful protest in Melb

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Music of my life...

what's winny been up to??
music music and music!
pusing2nyaa dimana2 musik... besok ada ujian musik... ohh tidak!!!
Sebenarnya buat apa yah kita perlajarin tuh teori musik? major, minor chords, intervals, rythms, 4/4, 12/8.... dkk..
toh kalo lagi dengerin lagu ndak pernah tu yang tiba2 ngomong "oo itu di D major time signaturenya 4/4... "ya kan??
ckck... gawat2... ujian bsok!!
dah gitu juga ada bagian dimana g harus analisis 'tekstur' musiknya. "Feeling" yang si komposer ingin tunjukan kepada pendengarnya.... ooo tidak!!
practice!!! practice!!
kayaknya memang nasib anak sekolahan yah... belajar sesuatu yg "kemungkinan" suatu hari "kepake". hwahaha....

tuk mengurangi kebosanan gw mempelajari teori2 musik... boleh dong dngerin lagu yang mengingatkan g ttg gantengnya 'Goong Yo' pas jadi 'Choi Han Kyul' di "Coffee Prince". Boleh dicoba nih complete soundtracknya 'coffee prince no 1' (dari eps 1-24)
lagunya ngingetin g kalo lagi di kedai kopi, ngobrol2, walaupun nga minum kopinya... suasananya duh enak tenan

btw... dah tak ku kasih taw blun ya?? winny skarang lagi tergila2 sama Super Junior.. 13 cute guys singing "it's u" wahh... apa bo yang bisa ku harapkan... rasanya kayak diperebutkan 13 cowo ganteng gitu. enaknyaa...

Super Junior(슈퍼주니어) - It's You (너라고)
Wheesung(취성) - Insomnia (korean remake)
Tearliner - Ocean Travel (바다여행)

oopps.... dah dulu deh... harus blajar bo!! ulangan bsok!!

the blog is back!!(UNDER RECONSTRUCTION)

maturnuwun semuanya!!!
setelah MIA dari blog ini, telah dipikir2 ulang... ngeblog lagi ah..
daku telah kembali dengan tujuan nulis blog yang gak hanya omel2an tapi ttg sesuatu yg lebih berisi!
tungguin yo relaunch nyaa!!!
