my obsession with green-tea latte
Another month has just gone by without me even realizing how things are moving faster than what my korean level should be by now.
My progress in(or on??) Korean
Being in level 3 in korean is not as easy as I thought it would be. New grammars,expressions,new vocabulary,and most importantly the ability to concentrate on teacher's explanations prove evidently that it is the time to pull up the gear and pump up your korean skills!! So looking forward to over sized portions of Koreans being served and little less of... Well.. entertaiment awww...
Progress in finding a new place
non-existent... For real..
Sadly finding a new place to stay outside school dormitory is... insanely complicated. Houses in here are not exactly a piece of cake as you would find some of them being very inhospitable like u can live in a rooftop or a basement. Having lots of windows where ur freeze in winter and boil in summer or having no windows at all. Take your pick... Ah well... No good ever come from complaining they say.. So just have to look for other options. Somewhere out there there'll b a house where a kitchen is missing its owner and preferably an oven to go with it as well.. and a bread machine and an ice cream maker as well or in a million years a Kitchen Aid mixer!!.. hey no hurt in dreaming as they say!!
My progress on orchestra
awesome!! its moving really well. The deal is three times a week with three hour rehearsal each excluding parts rehearsal. So.. Yea very time consuming but quite worth it since we're preparing awesome three pieces! some include all four movements of the Beethoven symphony no.7 yay!!
Another busy week and month ahead! hope you out there non existent readers are having a good start to this month.
Till then de journie....
test run